Panels And Papers
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Panels/Special Sessions/Workshops
Panel Title: Prospects and studies for the reconstruction and edition of the Coptic Bible (CB)
Panel Chairs: Dr. Frank Feder, and Dr. Siegfried Richter
Description: During the panel the two large scale projects for the edition of the Coptic New (Münster: and Old (Göttingen: Testament will present the actual state of their work and the possibilities for the Coptological community to collaborate with them.
The panel invites all colleagues to present new projects or project ideas concerning the Coptic Bible as well as contributions to all aspects of the manuscripts and the textual transmission.
Participants: (in alphabetical order)
Dr. Christian Askeland. Orthodoxy and Heresy in the Digitization of the Bible
Prof. Heike Behlmer. Paul de Lagarde, Agapios Bsciai and the Edition of the Coptic Bible
Dr. Frank Feder. Reconstructing and Editing the Coptic Bible – The Münster-Göttingen collaboration for a complete reconstruction and edition of the Coptic Sahidic Bible
Dr. Hans Foerster. The Coptic Version of the Gospel of John and the Editio Critica Maior
Dr. Elina Perttilä. Asterisked Passages in the Sahidic Book of Job
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Richter. The Coptic text of the Acta Apostolorum; Evidence of Magic in Christian and Monastic Environments
Mrs Katharina Schröder. Coptic Paleography and Joining Fragments at the Institute for New Testament Textual Research in Münster
Mr. Matthias Schulz. Praise Him with the Psaltery and Harp. The Composition of Coptic Hymns and Biblical Quotations.
Panel Title: The Coptic Diaspora: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (CD)
Panel Chairs: Dr. Donald A. Westbrook,; Dr. Saad Michael Saad,
Description: Since the middle of the twentieth century, increasing numbers of Copts have left Egypt and taken residence in countries throughout the world, contributing to a substantial and growing Coptic Diaspora. The largest concentrations of diasporic communities exist in North America, Europe, and Australia. In their host countries, Copts have preserved aspects of their religious, social, and cultural identities in the face of the natural challenges of assimilation and cross-cultural barriers. Features of “Copticity” are discernible throughout the Coptic Diaspora in forms such as language, literature, art, architecture, music, monasticism, scholarly achievements, television programming, and social media outlets, among others.
We seek interdisciplinary papers that explore any aspect of the “Coptic Diaspora.” The following topics are encouraged, though by no means exhaustive, in this vein:
• The relationship between political, economic, and social realities in Egypt—both past and present—on the emergence and character of Coptic Diasporic communities.
• The role of the Coptic Church in the mediation of religious identity formation and preservation for communities and individuals outside Egypt.
• The lived religious realities and challenges of Copts outside Egypt, in particular for second and third generation Copts.
• The role of social media and electronic resources (Facebook, smart phone applications, etc.) in the construction and mediation of Coptic cultural identity.
• The ways in which the Coptic Diaspora contributes to the creation, evolution, or problematization of a distinct “Coptic Civilization,” extending from ancient Egypt to present day.
Participants: (in alphabetical order)
Ms. Sandra Estafan. Nothing About Us Without Us: Shedding Light on Second Generation Coptic Diaspora Communities in North America Using Participatory Action Research
Dr. Fatin Guirguis. English, Arabic, or Coptic: Linguistic Anxiety and the Challenges of a Contested Identity
Dr. Michael Henein. St. Kyrel Choir: Coptic Music, Identity and Heritage in the Diaspora
Dr. Fiona McCallum. Service Provider and Maintainer of Cultural Identity: The Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK as a Religious diaspora Actor
Dr. Donald Westbrook, Dr. Saad Michael Saad. Eva Habib Elmasri (1912-1983): Leader in Women’s Liberation in Egypt and formation of Coptic Community in North America
Panel Title: Digital Coptic Studies (DCS)
Panel Chair: Prof. David Brakke,
Participants: (in alphabetical order)
Dr. Rebecca Krawiec. Charting Rhetorical Choices in Shenoute: Abraham our Father and I See Your Eagerness as case-studies
Dr. Christine Luckritz Marquis Reimagining the Apopthegmata Patrum in a Digital Culture
Prof. Dr. Caroline Schroeder. Coptic SCRIPTORIUM: A Digital Platform Research in Coptic Language and Literature
Prof. Amir Zeldes. A Quantitative Approach to Syntactic Alternations in Sahidic
Panel Title: Digital Humanities (DH)
Panel Chair: Dr. Caroline Schroeder,
Participants: (in alphabetical order)
Dr. Paul Dilley. Coptic Scriptorium beyond the Manuscript: Towards a Distant Reading of Coptic Texts
Ms. Eliese-Sophia Lincke Optical Character Recogition (OCR) for Coptic. Testing Automated Digitization of Texts with OCRopy
Mr. So Miyagawa, Dr. Marco Büchler. Computational Analysis of Text Reuse in Shenoute and Besa
Mr. Uwe Sikora. Text Encoding - Opportunities and Challenges
Panel Title: Early Christian Literature Preserved in Coptic (ECLPC)
Panel Chair: Dr. Timothy Sailors,
Description: The translation of early Christian literature from one language into another was a phenomenon that began already in the second century with the production of translations into Syriac and Latin. The language into which the next most ancient translations of Christian writings from this period were made is Coptic, making the Coptic versions of these compositions one of the more important sources for the study of early Christian literature. At the International Congress of Coptic Studies, attention has long been devoted to various corpora, including later literature composed in Coptic, the Coptic Bible, and writings found at Nag Hammadi. There are, however, many non-biblical, ?non-Nag Hammadi,? pre-Nicene Christian writings preserved in Coptic translations that are all too often given short shrift.
This panel will provide the opportunity to focus upon these under-appreciated Coptic versions of works of Christian literature originally composed in the first few centuries. These include writings categorized among the so-called ?Apostolic Fathers? or ?Church Fathers? and so-called early Christian ?Apocrypha,? consisting, for example, of gospels, acts of apostles, and testaments. Moreover, a couple of the ancient church orders from this era were incorporated into later collections preserved in Coptic, and other writings of a monastic, didactic, or legendary nature also survive in the language.
Some writings from this period are preserved exclusively in Coptic, while others are also extant—at least in part—in Greek or in other ancient translations or versions, and papers offered for this panel may examine the relation of the Coptic to these other witnesses. Proposals are welcome too for contributions that investigate the historical, religious, and cultural settings in which the Coptic versions of this literature were produced, transmitted, and preserved. Papers may also give attention to the material evidence for these processes by examining codicological or palaeographical aspects of the manuscripts that contain this literature, or by considering extracts from these works in Coptic catenae. Of interest too might be the immediate literary context within the manuscript tradition, i.e., with which other writings is a work transmitted or combined? Panellists may also ask whether the content of the Coptic version itself presents any specific or unique philological, literary, historical, or theological features to which one’s attention should be drawn.
Participants: (in alphabetical order)
Dr. Timothy Sailors. Pre-Nicene Christian Literature Preserved in Coptic: The status quæstionis
Dr. Alin Suciu. Recovering a Hitherto Lost Patristic Text: Greek and Coptic Vestiges of Melito of Sardes’ De Baptismo
Panel Title: Magic and Monks in Late Antique Egypt (MMLAE)
Panel Chair: Prof. David T. M. Frankfurter,
Description: While “magic” has often been associated with wizards on the periphery of religious and social institutions, the Coptic ritual corpora suggest their scribes and practitioners had much more central affiliations with the ecclesiastical and monastic institutions. From archaeological finds (magical codices in monastic cells) to the dependence on credal and liturgical formulae in the composition of incantations, the evidence of Coptic magic points increasingly to monks of various sorts, who enjoyed local charismatic status through their graphic abilities and familiarity with liturgy and scripture. This panel brings together some of the most important scholars of Coptic magic and its social context working today, as well as some new voices, and will address both the features of particular texts and larger historical/social questions about the place of magic in Egyptian Christian society of late antiquity.
Participants: (in alphabetical order)
Mr. Michael Beshay. Coptic Magic and Virginity: Sexual Politics and Competition in the Late Antique Church
Prof. Malcolm Choat. Ritual Expertise and Religious Authority: the place of Magic in Late Antique Egypt
Prof. Theodore de Bruyn. Who might have written Greek incantations and amulets with Christian elements from Egypt?
Prof. David Frankfurter. Magic and Monks in Late Antique Egypt - Opening Remarks
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Richter. Evidence of Magic in Christian and Monastic Environments
Dr. Joseph Sanzo. The Magician and the Cross: Cruciform Symbols and the Crucifixion of Jesus in Early Coptic Magic
Prof. Jacques van der Vliet. Monastic Magic - Respondent
Panel Title: The Nag Hammadi Codices and Early Egyptian Monasticism: The work of the ERC-Project NEWCONT (NHCEEM)
Panel Chair: Prof. Hugo Lundhaug,
Description: Who produced and used the Nag Hammadi Codices, and what role did these codices and their texts play in the communities where they were manufactured and read? This panel will focus on the results and implications of the ERC-funded research project “New Contexts for Old Texts: Unorthodox Texts and Monastic Manuscript Culture in Fourth- and Fifth-Century Egypt” (NEWCONT) (, a project focusing on the Nag Hammadi Codices and their texts in light of contemporary, primarily Coptic, literature and manuscript culture.
Participants (in alphabetical order):
Dr. Christian Bull. Non-Christian Texts in a Monastic Context: The Case of Nag Hammadi Codex VI
Dr. Dylan Burns. The Nag Hammadi Corpus and Graeco-Egyptian Magical and Alchemical Literature Revisited
Dr. Rene Falkenberg. Manichaean Influence in the Nag Hammadi Texts
Prof. Dr. Hugo Lundhaug, Dr. Lance Jenott. The Monastic Origins of the Nag Hammadi Codices
Ms. Kristine Tofy Roseland. Christ in the Apocryphon of John
Ms. Paula Tutti. Contextualizing the Nag Hammadi Monastic Correspondence
Panel Title: Strategies of Coptic Orthodox Leadership (SCOL)
Panel Chair: Prof. Nelly van Doorn-Harder,
Description: The papers in this panel analyze the leadership methods developed by four influential Coptic Orthodox Church leaders: St. Habib Girgis (1876-1951), Saint and Pope Kyrillos (r. 1959-1971), Anba Samuel, Bishop for Public, Ecumenical, and Social Services (r. 1962-1981), and Anba Athanasius of Beni Suef (r. 1962-2000). The paper of Professor Wissa looks at the crucial aspect of how during the formative years of the Sunday School Movement several members of the non-clerical Coptic lay leadership contributed to the adoption and developments of certain methods.
Religious leaders clearly play a vital role in leading, teaching, inspiring, guiding and directing their community. They help to keep an organization or unit together and are often experts in a certain field. While managing and organizing the Church community is necessary for its growth and survival, religious leadership differs from corresponding secular positions as it does not value monetary gain and a good Church leader not only leads in prayer but also offers prayers and sacrifices on behalf of the people. A religious leader has the ability to impact the lives of many and can, for example, motivate people to address tragedies and social injustices.
Especially during the past fifty years, several Coptic leaders ranging from Popes Kyrillos VI and Shenouda III (r. 1971-2012) to bishops and nuns such as Ummina Irini (d. 2006) have become famous for their innovative leadership styles and were often credited for laying the groundwork for a Coptic Church revival as well as its expansion outside Egypt. However, the research about the strategies they employed and the approaches that set them apart has only just beginning. Using primary texts and other materials, the five papers in this panel will each address an aspect of the governing models developed by Saint Habib Girgis, Saint and Pope Kyrillos VI, Anba Samuel and Anba Athanasius of Beni Suef.
Mrs. Christine Chaillot. The deaconesses in the Coptic Orthodox Church (second half of the 20th century)
Fr. Daniel Fanous. Saint Menas in Old Cairo: The Intersection of Reform in the House of Father Mina the Recluse
Fr. Cherubim Saed.Becoming a Leader: Bishop Samuel's Pre-Monastic Career
H.G. Dr. Anba Suriel.Habib Girgis: Administrator Par Excellence – A Leader Beyond His Time
Prof. Nelly van Doorn-Harder.Difficult Problems, Simple Solutions. Bishop Athanasius’ Strategies for Community Development
Dr. Myriam Wissa.The untold story of laity leadership in the formative years of Sunday Schools: the unknown archon-leaders of Habib Guirguis’ early team
Session Title: Wadi al-Natrun Studies in Art and Archaeology (WNSAA)
Session Chair: Prof. Stephen Davis,
Participants: (in alphabetical order)
Dr. Darlene Brooks Hedstrom. Builders, Masons, and the Reconstruction of a Monastic Dwelling in Wadi al-Natrun
Dr. Gillian Pyke. Ceramic Cosmopolitanism: Pottery Consumption at a Monastic Dwelling at the Monastery of John the Little in the Wadi al-Natrun
Dr. Dobrochna Zielinska, Dr. Karel C.Innemée. Church of the Virgin Mary in Deir al-Surian, recent discoveries
Session Title: Wadi al-Natrun: Studies in Texts and Manuscripts (WNSTM)
Session Chair: Prof. Stephen Davis,
Participants: (in alphabetical order)
Prof. Stephen Davis. A Report on the Coptic and Arabic Biblical Manuscripts in Dayr al-Suryan: From Scriptural Texts to Scribal Marginalia
Dr. Maged S. A. Mikhail. The Arabic Recensions of the Life of Anba Bishoi (Paisios)
Prof. Mark N. Swanson. Alexander the Great among Medieval Copts: Some comments on the uses of Alexander-materials in Copto-Arabic literature (in the light of recent publications and discoveries)
Workshop Title: Coptic SCRIPTORIUM Workshop and Tutorial
Workshop Chairs: Dr. Caroline T. Schroeder, Dr. Amir Zeldes, Dr. Rebecca S. Krawiec, et al.
Description: This hands-on workshop will introduce students and researchers to the texts and database at We will provide tutorials on how to use Coptic SCRIPTORIUM for research: finding texts and translations, searching for key terms, creating complex queries for linguistic and historical research, etc. We will also discuss how to publish texts, translations, or annotations of your own on at All are welcome. Bring your laptops or tablets if you have them! If not, you can always sit next to a colleague who does.
Workshop Title: Coptic Digital Tools for Beginners Workshop
Workshop Chairs: Dr. Christian Askeland, Dr. Frank Feder
Description: The present workshop introduces scholars to the use of Unicode fonts and related digital tools in scholarly research and publishing. No prior knowledge or experience is required, although participant should bring their laptop. Workshop organizers will assist participants in installation of fonts and digital keyboards, and will also outline key tools useful for the study of Coptic literature (esp. the Bible and Nag Hammadi) and research on manuscripts. If time allows, attendees will further learn basic skills in editing digital images of manuscripts
Plenary Papers (in alphabetical order)
Ms. Dominique Bénazeth. Coptic art, including museology (2012–2016)
Prof. Anne Boud'hors. Coptic Bible (2008-2016)
Prof. Dr. David Brakke. Egyptian Monasticism (2012-2016)
Prof. Alberto Camplani. Coptic history and historiography (2008–2016)
Prof. Malcolm Choat. Coptic Documentary Papyrology (2012-2016)
Prof. Alain Delattre. Coptic Epigraphy (2004-2016)
Prof. Dr. Jean-Daniel Dubois. Gnostic and Manichaean Studies in Egypt (2012-2016)
Dr. Elisabeth O'Connell. Late Antique Archaeology
Dr. Chris Reintges. Coptic Linguistics (2012-2016)
Prof. Dr. Mark Sheridan. Coptic Literature (2012-2016)
Prof. Mark Swanson. Copto-Arabic studies (2008–2016)
Prof. Jacques van der Vliet. President Address
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Short Communications (in alphabetical order)
Fr. John Paul AbdelSayed. A Reexamination of the Coptic Version of the anaphora of St. Mark and later attributed to St. Cyril of Alexandria
Ms. Elizabeth (Lisa) Agaiby. A Codicology of the Oldest Extant Manuscript Containing the Arabic Lives of Antony the Great and Paul the First Hermit.
Dr. Sohair Ahmed. Two Coptic Agreements and an account
Fr. Youstos Alorshalemy. Document 25 of Deir el Sultan, Old City in Jerusalem
Mr. Julien Auber de Lapierre. An Ottoman curiosity: the litter from the Coptic Museum
Fr. Taddaeus Ava Mena. The tomb of St. Mena in the past, present and future
Dr. Hind Salah El-Din Awad. The life of Victor the Elder at Deir el-Bahari
Dr. Mariam Ayad. On (Coptic) Women’s Literacy and Rhetoric
Dr. Heather Badamo. Triumphant Saints and the True Religion: Warrior Saints and the Rhetoric of Community in Thirteenth-Century Egypt
Prof. Dr. Randa Baligh. Healing Centers Attached to Religious Establishments in Egypt
Dr. Vince Bantu. Visions of Change: Coptic Sources on the Arab Muslim Conquest
Prof. Lincoln H. Blumell. A New Coptic Devotional Ostracon in the University of Utah Collection
Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Bolman. The Red Monastery Church: Beauty and Asceticism in Upper Egypt
Prof. Dr. Paola Buzi. ERC Advanced grant 2015 - Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context: Production, Copying, Usage, Dissemination and Storage" (PAThs)
Dr. Florence Calament. Un rare témoin épigraphique de la dernière occupation perse en Égypte
Dr. Meurice Cédric. Un siècle de muséographie de la sculpture copte au musée du Louvre
Dr. Josiah Chappell. The Coptic Versions of the Psalms
Dr. Eric Crégheur. The Manuscript and Coptic Text of the “Untitled Text” of the Bruce Codex
Prof. Andrew Crislip. Shenoute's Illness
Dr. Jennifer Cromwell. New Texts from Wadi Sarga
Dr. Renate Dekker. Severan Bishops and the Social Network of the Theban Region
Ms. Marie Delassus. Les éléments décoratifs de mobilier en os et ivoire dans l’Égypte romaine et byzantine : la collection du musée du Louvre au regard de celle d’Auguste Rodin.
Dr. Korshi Dosoo. Formulae in Coptic Magical Invocations: Towards a model of transmission and composition
Dr. Maher Eissa, Dr. Louay Saied. Projects of the Center of Coptic studies (CCS), Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
Dr. Maher Eissa. Late Coptic Stelae from NMEC
Prof. Dr. Sherin Sadek El Gendi. Figures d’Ève et d’Adam dans l’Art Copte: Étude Comparative
Dr. Inas El Shoura. The conditions of Christians in Egypt and the Levant through the writings of Patriarch Dionysius I
Fr. Bigoul El Suriany. New biographical data on Pope John XIII
Fr. Maximous Elantony. Coptic Heritage in the Digital Age
Dr. Abdelrazek Elnaggar, Dr. Louay Said, Dr. Maher Eissa. Saint Macarius of Alexandria Monastery in Fayoum: The challenges and opportunities for site management
Prof. Dr. Essam El-Saeed.The Ancient Egyptian Origin of Coptic Columns’ Capitals
Prof. Dr. Stephen Emmel. The Shenoute Editing Project
Dr. Åke Engsheden, Dr. Andreas Winkler. Digital Archive of Coptic Ostraca in Sweden
Dr. Patricia Eshagh. The Egyptian Heritage of the Jesus Prayer
Mrs. Mary Farag. Narrative Visions of Church Consecrations as Interpretations of Ecclesial Space
Mr. Emanuel Fiano. Shenoute’s Jews: Rhetoric and Reality in Late Ancient Egypt
Dr. Gawdat Gabra. Saint Ammonius of Tuna: A Case Study in Coptology
Dr. Esther Garel. Varieties of Fayyumic Coptic in Documentary Papyri
Mr. Emmanuel Gergis. Implications of Twentieth Century Approaches in Coptic Studies on the Development of Constructive Patristic Theology in the Church of Alexandria
Ms. Christine Ghali , Mr. Usama Youssef. The origin of Coptic words in the Egyptian daily life
Ms. Mary Ghattas. Towards a History of Christianity in Egypt: From the French Expedition to the present day
Dr. Suzana Hodak. The ostraca from Deir el-Bachit, Western Thebes. Status quo of research
Dr. Kamal Farid Ishaq. A new look at the pronunciation of Coptic Language
Dr. Ahmed Khalil. Reference-switching in Coptic texts
Mr. Ihab Khalil. “His soul was calm” An exploration of the ancient Egyptian ideal of the silent manin the context of early Egyptian monasticism
Dr. David W. Kim. The Mystery of Proverbs in Tchacos Judas Codex 41-44
Dr. Nikolaos Kouremenos. Between allusion and condemnation: the critique to the early Islamic rule in Coptic Literature.
Mr. Frederic Krueger. Lexicography at the Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic (DDGLC) 2015–2016: A Progress Report
Dr. Mary Kupelian. The Christology in the Coptic Museum
Mr. Maxim Kupreyev. Psalms on wood: a Coptic tablet in the Johns Hopkins University Archaeological Museum (JHUAM 9285)
Dr. Lillian Larsen. Early Monastic Education: Text and Context
Ms. Candace Lukasik. On the Coptic Question: Secular Binds and Christian Politics in Egypt
Mrs. Magi Madsen-Hernandez. Discover the Neo-Coptic Icons of the Coptic Dioceses of L.A.
Prof. Dr. Gamal Mahgoub, Ms. Souty Adel. Environmental Study of 19th C. Archangel Gabriel Church in Cairo: Risk Analysis and Conservation Strategy
Dr. Aml Mahran. Halos and Symbolism in Coptic Iconography: An Analytical Art Study with Comparison to the ancient Egyptian and Islamic Art
Mr. Nabil A. Malek. In Search of the Meaning of the word "Nayrouz": A future Perspective
Dr. Marc Malevez, Prof. Serge Cazelais. A monk's charisms as evidence of perfection
Dr. Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello. Coptic texts in the Basel Papyrus Project
H.G. Anba Martyros. The Scriptoria in the Coptic Monasteries and their Role in Enriching the Art of illuminating Coptic Manuscripts From the 5th Century to the 10th Century
Mr. Ramez Mikhail. And They Shall Stand Bare-Headed: The Historical Development of Liturgical Headgear in the Coptic Rite
Mr. Ivan Miroshnikov. Coptic Manuscripts in Finland
Dr. Samuel Moawad. Kommentar des al-Wagih Yuhanna al-Qalyubi (13. Jh.) zum Römerbrief
Dr. Helene Moussa, Dr. Gayle Gibson. The Martyrs of Maspero by Victor Fakhoury
Dr. Mark Moussa. Sensible Expectations: Spiritual Direction in Shenoute's Discourses
Dr. Ashraf Nageh. Coptic Archaeometry
Dr. Artur Obluski. South of the border Nubian monasteries and their relation to the Coptic monasticism
Dr. Grzegorz Ochala. Egyptian names in Christian Nubia: First results of work on a Nubian Namenbuch
Dr. Perrine Pilette. Historiographical quotations recycled: the case of the compilation of the "History of the Churches and Monasteries of Egypt".
Mrs. Monica Rene. Contemporary apsidal iconography in the Coptic Orthodox Church
Prof. Dr. Tonio Sebastian Richter. The Corpus Chymicum Copticum: Issues and findings
Mrs. Helena Rochard. Images and Architectural Spaces of Bawit: the Contribution of Wall Paintings to Understanding of Monastic Buildings
Fr. Angelos Rofaiel. Coptic literature in Ethiopia
Dr. Anna Rogozhina. Him who brings a gift to your church I will reward sevenfold in My kingdom’ or How to encourage donations and pilgrimage by means of hagiography
Dr. Saad Michael Saad. Claremont Coptic Encyclopedia
Dr. Eveline G. I. Salib. The Representation of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple in the Coptic & Eastern Iconography
Mr. Ibrahim Saweros. The Arabic Corpus of Pseudo-Athanasius of Alexandria
Dr. Gesa Schenke. It's in Their Bones. On the Origins of the Coptic Cult of Saints
Dr. Daniel Sharp. Scribal Corrections to Papyrus Bodmer III and What They Tell us about the Transmission of the Text
Prof. D. Mark Sheridan. New folios of Rufus of Shotep: The wandering pages of a manuscript in the 18th and 19th centuries
Dr. Stephen Shoemaker. The Virgin Mary as a Power from Heaven: A Peculiar Marian Tradition in an Early Homily on the Theotokos attributed to Cyril of Jerusalem
Prof. Rachad Shoucri. Another Look at the History of the Theban Legion
Ms. Tamara Siuda. Revisiting the Chronology of Coptic Martyrology
Fr. Anthony St. Shenouda. The Arrow Prayer in the Coptic Tradition
Dr. Ian Sundwall-Byers. Moses the Black & the Heraclean Ideal: Power, Violence & Physicality in Egyptian Monastic Life
Dr. Maciej Szymaszek. Tracing the provenance of ancient Egyptian textiles: Tove Alm’s collection
Mr. Hany N. Takla. St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society: A 36-year Journey
Mr. Hany N. Takla. An Unknown fragment of Sahidic Exodus in Van Kampen Collection in Florida
Prof. Janet Timbie. Symptoms as Signs: The Interpretation of Illness in Shenoute, Canon 8
Dr. Satoshi Toda. Coptic literature and the Pachomian dossier
Dr. Asuka Tsuji. Preliminary remarks on the Compilation of the Coptic Synaxarion in the fourteenth century
Dr. Gertrud J.M. van Loon. Wall paintings at Dayr Anba Hadra, Aswan
Dr. Loreleï Vanderheyden. A Brand-New Character in Dioscorus of Aphrodito Coptic Archives : How Paleography helped to discover the scribe “Paulos”
Dr. Naïm Vanthieghem. The Contribution of the Geniza Material to the History of the Coptic Community in Cairo and in Egypt
Ms. Mirna Wasef. Internment of the Pope: The Coptic Community During Sadat’s Egypt
Dr. Jennifer Westerfeld. Authorized to Interpret: Hieroglyphs, Antiquity, and Christian Authority in the Time of Theophilus
Mr. Michael Wingert. I Adjure You by Your Name: Onomatology, Judean Magic, and Coptic Healing Incantations as Successor to Ancient Near Eastern Medicine
Dr. Myriam Wissa.“Go and tell them to worship the sun if not, I shall put cords on their feet and will have them dragged all through the mountains until their flesh shall separate from their bones”: Encounter of Zoroastrianism with Coptic Christianity in 7th century Egypt
Mr. Joseph Youssef. "The Holy man" as reflected among Copts today
Prof. Youhanna N. Youssef. Liturgical texts relating to Suriel
Dr. Jason Zaborowski. The Coptic Tradition in Arabic Recensions of the *Apophthegmata Patrum*
Dr. Ewa Zakrzewska. How to SPEAK in Coptic?